
helm-controller fails to upgrade chart, storageClassName is immutable

foot opened this issue · 3 comments

foot commented

I didn’t grab the error message but the gist was “Flux couldn’t change an immutable field”

  • the field was initially blank in the HelmRelease values.yaml
  • (I’m assuming) set to “standard” by k8s using the defaults for PersistentVolumeClaim

Conclusion: you should always supply the k8s default values for things in your helm templates? Not sure if there are other ways around this..

Can we uncomment this or is it commented for a reason? https://github.com/weaveworks/policy-agent/blob/dev/helm/values.yaml#L19

cc @AhmedSa-mir

foot commented

Setting the storageClassName to standard may be causing other issues.

foot commented

wdyt about disabling persistence by default? Seems like it might need user configuration to get it going properly..

foot commented

Fixed in #76