
TF Runner log output needs to be accessible via the UI

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Relates to https://github.com/weaveworks/weave-gitops-interlock/issues/358

User story

As a WGE user who’s working with Terraform resources, I want to be able to view the output of the Terraform run from the UI, so I can easily surface what my TF plan has done and gain needed visibility around what’s happened during the run.

Acceptance Criteria

  • This functionality appears in a new tab that’s part of the Terraform Objects view.
  • User can see the most recent results of that plan when it’s applied.
  • The user doesn’t need to set up anything additional to access this functionality.
  • Displays Last Run Output: Last time TF did an apply.

From @darrylweaver: "When using Terraform it is important to be able to see the output from the runner running the actual terraform commands. This is accessible only by collecting logs from the runner pod when it is running.
We should have a solution or integration that outputs the runner logs that can be referenced for troubleshooting. This could be by using an integration with TF cloud (Hashi-sales friendly solution), or we could collect the logs to display in WGE. Whatever our recommendation it needs to be included in the docs."

Before proceeding, we want to know more about customer needs, to know whether we want to solve ourselves or integrate with existing tools.

Is it ridiculously difficult to implement without preexisting log aggregation storage?

Next step while we wait for more CX insights: Look at standalone implementation and take notes.