
This list needs updating or mark it as un maintained or inactive repo

nodeCodeNinja opened this issue · 2 comments

This list needs updating or mark it as un maintained or inactive repo

@mateusortiz I would like to become a maintainer of this project. There is indeed a lot of outdated stuff in here, which is really sad, as this project is mentioned in the main Awesome collection.

I have previously contributed to this repo several times, but this doesn't seem that productive as it could be if I would be maintainer. The big cleanup and re-organising is now needed.

My experience with Web Components is now 2,5 years and I constantly check with the updates. Note that I already maintain one awesome list, too: https://github.com/web-padawan/awesome-lit-html

So, I'm now happy to announce that this list is maintained again. Mateus kindly granted me the collaborator permissions, so in the meanwhile there will be a lot of cleanup and improvements.

My goal is to make this project great again, and create an actualised knowledge base about the Web Components in 2018, so all the stuff related to v0 specs and HTML imports will be removed.
I will add some new blog posts, guides and case studies.

Once I'm done with the initial cleanup, and all the major improvements to the list, PRs are welcome!