
Consider adding a starters section

web-padawan opened this issue · 3 comments

As requested in #36 there could be a section for starter projects / boilerplates:

also can you also add this create-custom-elements boilerplate or starter?

Currently I'm not sure if we should promote this kind of projects. Libraries are good in terms of how one could build something on top of the native Web Components specs, but starters are always opinionated and tend to promote certain stack, which is not the primary goal of this project.

Let's start by collecting links for existing starter projects in this issue. Also, feel free to +1 or -1

..starters are always opinionated and tend to promote certain stack, which is not the primary goal of this project.

... and starters are almost always built for specific contexts and they often become outdated and unmaintained.

Agree with the statement above. For now, let's not add any starters.