
YouTube Music connector stopped working in 3.7.0

hrrhcksthl opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
The Addon doesn't recognize YouTube Music anymore since the latest update. Downgraded to the version 3.5.0 and works fine.

How to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to: YouTube Music
  2. Click on: Play any music
  3. Scroll down: to No need to scroll down, addon status doesn't change and doesn't pop up the scrobbling now notification, it says "site not supported".
  4. See error: See above.

Expected behavior
Usually tracks are recognized by the addon.

Environment (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Debian 12
  • Browser: Firefox 115.8.0esr (64-bit)
  • Extension version: 3.7.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Seems to still work; just not as expected.

In addition to the issue noted in #4602, also seeing the following on YouTube Music in Chrome:

  • "The track is not recognized" message when every track starts playing; additional message with correct track follows
  • Songs continue to scrobble even after being paused
  • Repeated error in console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'src') at Connector.getTrackArt"

(As noted in the other ticket, I've been unable to build this project since it moved to 3.0, or I would try to help fix the issue myself.)

yes, music.youtube.com doesnt scrobbling since few days ago

Seeing very similar behaviour on Brave with YouTube Music to #4603 (comment)

  • 'The track is not recognised' message as soon as song starts playing
  • Track is actually recognised and logged (last.fm in my config)
  • Another 'The track is not recognised' message appears on longer songs
  • Not seeing the console error from referenced comment, but then it's Brave. It blocks so many things. I may not be seeing that error because it's Brave.