
Not finding playing song on Plex

smiba opened this issue · 1 comments

smiba commented

Describe the bug
Web-scrobbler does not detect a playing song on Plex Web.

How to reproduce

  1. Play any song on web.plex.tv

Expected behavior
Web-scrobbler detecting the song playing, and scrobling accordingly


Environment (please complete the following information)

  • OS: MacOS 14.4.1 (AArch64)
  • Browser: Safari 17.4.1
  • Extension version: 3.6.2 (From Mac App Store, which seems to be running behind? But I don't see any changes to Plex in the changelog of 3.7.0)

Additional context
Made sure the extension has permission to read from web.plex.tv, it's not a permission issue.

smiba commented

Not sure why, but it seems to be working now? I'll close this issue for now unless I stumble upon it again