
Send tweet. Reward: 40 USD

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to view the examples. All tweets was made via prev project: https://github.com/webRunes/Titter-WRIO-App-CSharp
It have to be rewritten with Nodejs.
New empty repo https://github.com/webRunes/Titter-WRIO-App
so you authored to make it from scratch.
As you can see tweet contain an image (generated from user text) and URL of parent post. To get the idea, please open
and find "Add comment". User wrote a text, it have to be converted into image and send via Twitter API. Every tweet is a pic, url and donate sum (do not worry about donate at this time).

Authorization will be done via oauth.io, so first task is just send tweet via form. Second one - make an image from text and attach to tweet.

You're free to investigate projects like https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=twitter+nodejs&type=Repositories&ref=searchresults
to help yourself with development.

http://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-best-practices/ Node.js Best Practices
Following https://github.com/felixge/node-style-guide is required
http://pavels.in.ua/javascript-debugging-console/ debugging (use google translate)