
New hub - new tab. Reward 80 USD

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Every time you open a new page (json-ld), e.x.
(it's a json-ld copy of webrunes.com/index.htm)
a new tab must be added.
There only a few rules:

  1. If user opens any json-ld (and from any domain) which contains a link with WRIO script inside, system must check is there a Plus record in localstorage or not. If not, please create it. There must be stored a json-ld like record (example of it can be found at https://github.com/webRunes/Default-WRIO-Theme/blob/prototype/examples/v2/plus-list.htm) with a single tab which user has been opened. Every time user opens a new url with json-ld, we must create a new tab or subtab.
  2. Active tab is determined by coincidence link in the browser with an element inside Plus json-ld list. So if you open page "domain.com/page.htm" please make active tab in Plus with the same url.
  3. How to parse a Plus' json-ld? If a json-ld has author record like this one:

"author": "https://wall2003.github.io/webRunes-WRIO-Hub/Alexey-Anshakov.html",

that means we must put this subtab (with title of the original page, e.x. "My article") underneath the tab with the title taken from it, in example above it is "Alexey Anshakov". If there no author or it's blank, please create a separate tab with title of the original page. One more time: we have author link - create subtab under author tab, no author - separate tab.
4. Please note by clicking on tab you say system open this page, url of the page must be taken from "url": "http://url-goes-here",