
Crowdsale Registration · One Time Event

Closed this issue · 18 comments

We're going to propose an Crowdsale Pre-order Form to find out how many people would like to participate in the Crowdsale. We'll add it to our posts and hub.
Please check the draft and think how to improve it.

@jaezed @desireedickerson please help to Waleed.

I edited this. Are we providing more information on a follow-up email or on the website? ETH/BTC addresses? Sale end date? Price, etc?

Some links that may help for now, and some for later..
-https://rivetzintl.com/sale (status and token facts)
-https://district0x.io/ (what it does/it's uses)
-https://ico.adshares.net/ (max/min cap, and how to participate)
-https://token.enigma.co/ (countdown & documentation+legal ready)

Form has been updated. The issue will be closed after updating the WP and Bounty campaign links.

Referral link has been added. Please improve the text.
We have to collect users for at least 20 mln WGD before Crowdsale start.

I can no longer edit the document. Can you share with me so I can edit, please?


I edited it

Proofread and improve. We're going to send it as the invitation to linkedin contacts.

Especially crunchbase.com/app/search/investors

Hi Alexey

I added these as PDF with comments please let me know if they arent clear
Just for look and feel -- the salmon pink is not a good colour -- can we pick a stronger colour

This is worded ok -- i would just use clickable links instead of writing out the links

Not sure, what do you mean, its are links already.

Payment minimum is 25 posts

25 shares, likes and etc., not posts

CLICK HERE to register (make it clickable)

it's an image we can do clickable image by itself only

since this is an image, we have to show a link so that people at least can insert this link manually if there is no way to click on the image.

ok makes sense -- got it :)

We'll try to sell WGD for 100k on https://tokenator.io right before our special round. @AlWaleed84 please contact them and start negotiations.