
Pyramidal issue [template]

Opened this issue · 1 comments

[Main task description]
Finished when all the subtasks are completed.

Overdue: x days (in total, only for days without good reason)

Title 1 [DONE]

[Description, created by assigners]

Title 2 [1 of 4]

[Description, created by assigners]

Title 2.1 [DONE]

ETA: [date]
UPD: [updated date]
The reason description (if the task is overdue: assigner must indicate the reason and new ETA)

Overdue: x days (in total, only for days without good reasons)

Title 2.2 [IN HOLD]

The reason description (if the task can't be processed)

Title 2.3 [IN PROGRESS]

ETA: [date]

Title 2.4 [BACKLOG]


Title 3 [BACKLOG]
