
Smart contract audit

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We have to be sure SC is secure.
We're going to create a Bug Bounty https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f1DaL0K-rnYz6-_eWlplV85Sl8JkqLWHYMoB6WOPB14/edit?ts=5a631587#heading=h.736y798wrk3d to have a 4rd pary audit.

Please go to a subreddit such as /r/ethdev or /r/ethereum and post the code with the intention of finding problems on it.

Note: We pay via ETH (as much as we can afford) + our tokens that you free to exchange right after the Crowdsale. We already have hundreds of people on the White List.

This is the bug bounty of webRunes. We will reward users from 10,000 WGD (~$400 equivalent) to 250,000 WGD (~$10,000 equivalent) depending on the severity of the vulnerabilities found in our Crowdsale and ERC20 Token Smart Contracts.
You can find the Smart Contract code in our github here: <link>
We'll reward users the following way:
1 ETH + 250,000 WGD bug bounty for bugs that enable stealing user funds.
0.5 ETH + 125,000 WGD bug bounty for bugs that enable stealing the bounty or that lock user funds.
0.1 ETH + 25,000 WGD bug bounty for smaller bugs like avoiding the fee or causing the "buy" function to be uncallable.
We'll show the rewarded people publicly once the changes have been made to the Smart Contracts.