
Missed Airdrop participants

Closed this issue · 8 comments

We have a lot of users which did something wrong and aren't approved for Airdrop yet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JEy3fIdteHIR_c3FcYKZpmxJYOU-5O62R7WNiduC4hI/edit#gid=1793577065.
Check "Member of https://t.me/webRunesGroup"
many of them are not in the group. Other problems recorded in "Notes".
@jaezed please give to @Hexah07 a direction to contact them (I suppose Telegram is the best way, but you decide) one by one to fix, Message template at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f1DaL0K-rnYz6-_eWlplV85Sl8JkqLWHYMoB6WOPB14/edit#heading=h.75hjojazu7qt.
Write a list as a comment of those who fixed.
Thank you.

I've been banned from Telegram for 3 days for Spam -- I've contacted to the line 111

I think it would be better to just tag everyone who has issues in a comment thread in the bounty- rather than contacting everyone individually

I can make a list

We can't contact them, because they are not in the group.

ok - well here is the list i've done up to the first 1000 on the form
Can you add them to the group? and contact them?


No, I can add to the group who aren't in my contacts.

Can we post in the channels that they are supposed to have joined? Saying look at the sheet of your name is white then fix it and give them a timeline to do so or they are kicked out?

The ones with issues are about 50%
That seems pretty high (at least in the first 1000)

We can post for those who joined telegram. But we have to contact who isn't in the group.
