
The WhitePaper improvement. Hours in total: 20.6

Closed this issue · 24 comments

Please proofread and improve. Add FAQ #1464

On it.

Although I think I mentioned this before, but Nidish would be better suited to the FAQ.

Please check others ICOs for faq example, most of them aren't tech. BTW, Nidish isn't in contact.

Sure, I'll give it a go. And I haven't heard from Nidish in several days, he's kind of dropped off the map. So I'm not sure he'll be joining us after all, but I hope so.

Okay, so this week I'm going to work on:

  1. The white paper
  2. This: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XaARfqxqJCv1SCV7A0Ju8FL-15lbWWo7Z3bfMQwiSuo/edit#heading=h.uzrlbc8gzjf
  3. The ICO Guide
  4. FAQ

What I've already done:

  1. I sent you a few hours of work from when I edited the blog posts you sent me (four of them or so) and cleaned up those
  2. I edited the landing page and six additional pages and I sent you all the word docs. You told me to move them to 2., but I'm not sure how to move multiple Word docs to this Google doc, so maybe I should just re-edit all of the content in 2.?

Seems it's a problem to convert from word to doc. Please do it manually.

You bet, I'll do it.

But maybe someone in charge of those blog posts could update the blog by copy/pasting my changes. Here they are:

Airdrop Campaign.docx
Book Announcement.docx
What is WRIO ICO.docx

Please use original sources on google docs, it's hard to work with Word.

Shoot, I didn't know these sources were in Google Docs. Is it in the 2. link?

Airdrop - not sure what changed, let's skip if minor changes.
What is WRIO OS https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3013546.0 ann thread updated to wr.io info

Cool. Can you just send me the link to the "What is WRIO OS" Google doc? I'll implement the changes.

No need, it is no longer used:

What is WRIO OS https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3013546.0 ann thread updated to wr.io info

Ah, I got you.

@AcCryptoGhost please send hours in total for last week.

I've gone over all but the last 3 pages of the White Paper.

@AcCryptoGhost please send time for this week and set a remider to repeat at the end of each week. Thanks.

For sure, I'll remember to do that. This past week I worked 10.67 hours.


I was going to let you know later this evening: total hours this week = 3.5.


Only .5 hours this week.

.8 hours this past week.

.5 hours last week (just including today's work as last week's).