
Affliates campaign

Closed this issue · 8 comments

@RoySasson please prepare a full cycle user story: from finding (ref link) our campaign to proceed through it and finaly sending own ref link (cycle looped). Step-by-step, so we can see what we can to improve

Improve the text of

I added others to help @RoySasson to prepare the affilates campaign.

There are 2 ways for us to work on the airdrop campaign :

  1. Publishing airdrop ads in SM , using our own trackers implemented in these ads , to see which ones are working the best for us ( i will create several link for the different sm channels and ads) .
    From there the user will be redirected to wr.io/airdrop.html?afmc="our-preset-tracker" , and after completing all tasks to qualify , we will get new LEAD in our backend , check it and reward it later on .

  2. Through affiliate campaign :

a. the affiliate advertise our airdrop campaign with his own unique ref link .
2. A user that clicks the affiliate's promotion will be redirected to wr.io/airdrop.html?afmc="affiliates-id" (the affiliate will see VISIT in his dashboard at that point) . If the user continues and completes all tasks , affiliate will get a LEAD in his dashboard . After checking the lead by us , the user and affiliate will be credited and rewarded later on .

So We need 2 campaigns texts :

  1. for affiliate campaign
  2. for direct airdrop campaign

As for the attached ad :
I would make the 25WGD text the bigger one and 7500000 smaller one .
In the bottom small fonts , I would start with the simple and important info : Get rewarded 250 wgd for each submitted referral and 5% of referred user deposits

We need a more detailed story, like

  1. User see a SM ref link (we need to prepare a good text, so users can share in one click). Ref link says he will get additional 50 tokens (or +25% of airdrop, what works better @cryptojh. +$2 sounds not too good for me)
  2. Clik and open page with additional info about additional reward (text must be prepared)
    and so on.


Did you want the user experience written in text for review? If not I'd say we completed this task yesterday, Jun is beginning promotion tomorrow for the weekend rush

@AlWaleed84 please check with @RoySasson and @benjamin421 step by step the user's way to be sure, we're ready.