
Prepare 4 static sensor feed. Total hours: 20

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We are going to use x1 temperature and x1 humidity sensors (Zolertia Re-Mote) and x2 RM090 to go through A to Z to prepare our PoC. Check what kind of sensor info they can provide and prepare their initial (static) feed like
We'll add real data from testbed into these feed pages later.
Every feed must contains only 48 24 records - 1 record per hour.


Use https://github.com/WRIO-Hubs/imec.wr.io for feed and dashboard pages. Check #1581 p.12 about "?feed" and "?dashboard" keys and update the code to load pages. We need these pages:
https://imec.wr.io/testbed (https://imec.wr.io/index.html loads it, the code is already in the json-ld file)
this page loads 4 sensors from
https://imec.wr.io/testbed/sensor_ID1, https://imec.wr.io/testbed/sensor_ID2, https://imec.wr.io/testbed/sensor_ID3, https://imec.wr.io/testbed/sensor_ID4
use https://imec.wr.io/testbed/sensor_ID dir as an example.
Every dir must contain
Take real sensor's GUID for each directory names.


  1. There no need in "last-seen" block, use "dateModified" info to display this info.
  2. "name" is not a mesurement, it's an invariable and must be in the main json-ld block, see p.3 below.
    The same for guid.
  3. Now we are ready to separate json-ld into two blocks: static and dynamic.
    Move static into main sensor page, use for other pages the example:

A proper json-ld block has been added to the page, check the page code. Display data as key:value just as text, e.g.

productID: [guid]
Name: [name]

What is left is a dynamic part -- sensor mesurements itself: temperature, humidity, and so on. Some data were deleted to simplify the feed and the dashboard table.
State has been updated to "Enabled/Disabled".
For simplicity there is only 3 items for now: state, temperature and battery.


Has two mesurements as an example, add other 22 to get 24 records: 1 per hour.
Please note: last record is on top.
Display these 3 item in time group in format:

State: [data]
Temperature : [data]
Battery: [data]

Update the dashboard table according this info. Show only: ID, Name, State, Last seen, Last mesurement (we have only one: temperature, no need in dropdown), Device battery

[Estimation: 8h] UPD: +2h + 10h