
UI tasks. Total hours: 36.5

Closed this issue · 1 comments


  1. "Add New Device" dashboard button. After click show modal window with the fields:
The functionality is available to Alpha testers only.

Press "Connect" on WRIO IoT Gateway to connect a new device, or enter the IPv6 address and AES key manually. For more information check manual inside the box.
IPv6         [                                                 ]
AES key   [                                                 ]
[Cancel] [Submit]

[Submit] in disable mode. On hover show a tooltip (Tooltip on the top) "Available to Alpha testers only." Use:
2. Add tooltip (Tooltip on the top) for State icons "Enabled/Disabled".
3. Show tooltip (Tooltip on the top) with full ID text on hover ID.
4. Add in the static block a new line:

"image": "",

Check https://github.com/WRIO-Hubs/imec.wr.io/edit/gh-pages/testbed/1bc6c4e6-63b2-433b-90f7-db1910e05dc0/feed/index.html as an example. If it's empty or absence then display "https://default.wrioos.com/img/no-photo-200x200.png"
Photo place on the Profile page before text.
5. Add tooltip to "1 week" and other except "Last 24 Hours". The text is "Available for Premium users only"

[Estimation: 3h] + 2.5

1. Add [Add Threshold] button ("Alerts: 0"). Show modal window with "Available for Premium users only" text. Show [Cancel] and disabled [Submit] buttons
2. Add a "refresh" button ("Device is offline") on the Feed page to display last record. The record is "on-the-fly" and won't be stored.
3. Fix tooltips displaying. Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-tooltip-lite
4. Check http://webapplayers.com/inspinia_admin-v2.9.2/table_data_tables.html can we enable this functionality easily and in no time?
5. Display "Humidity" on the chart when it's selected.
6. Add tooltip "Premium feature, available to Alpha testers only" to csv and other button near Details on the Feed page. Upd: tooltips don't disspear after hover, fix.
7. Add https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/components/#nav-tabs functionality. Display "Text here" for the "Private network" and "+" tabs.
UPD: "Private network" and "+" tabs on Dashboard aren't working after visiting any Feed page.
This error appears only after clicking "Back to the network provider's page" and thus linked to the issue.
8. Update Y-axis name position to center.
9. Pressure chart doesn't work
10. Why some have a "disabled" state? The state must be taken from the last measurement data.
11. Update the last reading (fix C for pressure).
12. Add map under dashboard with multiple marks

[Estimation: 2h] + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3