
A blockchain record

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Add "Blockchain address:" above "Product ID:" in Product details on deviceProfile tab. Register the device in Ropsten testnet and store there the URL info


Make the address as a link. On click open a new tab that leads to
with displaying URL info.

Move "Blockchain address:" into the new section below "Product details":
Blockchain Record
Owner: Test User
Registration: 24 February 2020
Last update: 28 February 2020
URL: [url] <- but not as a link

Add an "Open etherscan.io" button (like "turn on zolertia" in the next section on the page) with link to the address on it.

After your last update https://imec.wr.io/ loads very slow. Add async for blockchain info, show

We are trying to connect the blockchain to get metadata. Please wait...

as the grey area