
The example for `/etc/akvcam/config.ini` may be wrong in wiki

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This is the example in wiki.

cameras/size = 2

cameras/1/type = output
cameras/1/mode = mmap, userptr, rw
cameras/1/description = Virtual Camera (output device)
cameras/1/formats = 2
cameras/1/videonr = 7

cameras/2/type = capture
cameras/2/mode = mmap, rw
cameras/2/description = Virtual Camera
cameras/2/formats = 1, 2
cameras/1/videonr = 9

However, the last line, cameras/1/videonr = 9, looks wrong.
I think that cameras/2/videonr = 9 will be correct.
I've tried editing this wiki, but I don't know how to edit wiki page.
So I'd like you to check this issue.
Thank you.

Fixed, thanks!