
max-width: 100% in a table layout

karlcow opened this issue · 1 comments

An issue which has been creating some problems in some sites with a combination of max-width:100% and display:table;

<div class="table">
   <a href=''> <img src=''/></div>

with the common CSS:

div.table {display:table;}
a {display:table-cell;}
img {max-width:100%;}

tables adjust to inner content so if the image is bigger it will not fit in the table cell width aka a element here. Unfortunately Safari (WebKit) and Opera/Chrome (Blink) adjusts the size of the image to the inner context. A way to solve this for Firefox is to set table-layout: fixed;

div.table {
a {display:table-cell;}
img {max-width:100%;}