
[FEATURE]: The right to be forgotten

VoidedName opened this issue · 4 comments

Feature Summary

Related: #246

Simple. Data privacy laws require that any PII (Personal Identifiable Data) can be deleted at the request of the user.

  • A "delete profile" CTA is provided to the user on his profile and or settings page
  • When this CTA is triggered, all PII data related to this user and profile HAS to be deleted from the system. If user ids are necessary due to references, ids themselves are permissible to remain, but everything that relates to the person HAS to be deleted
  • A privacy policy outlining the PII data we store, how it is used, kept safe and how it can be deleted is provided to the user via a link in the footer.

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

can I work on this?
