
Mozilla released 0.10.0 of geckodriver

pumano opened this issue · 2 comments

But update contains: "Only upgrade to this version if you are using Selenium 3 beta releases."
I'm not sure, about adding it to current repository. How guys you think about?

Also geckodriver will be only x64 for all platforms since 0.9.0

I'm voting for waiting until selenium 3 is released.

If one would like to use the driver one could easily add the download location manually by e.g.


I added the 0.9.0 version for x64 for all platforms. Hopefully the change in bit support does not cause any issues. I don't think it should.

geckodriver version 0.11.1 should now be available. Use webdriverextensions-maven-plugin version 3.1.1 to install it. Previos versions do not work.