
"version" is a required argument in @webex-media-helpers

satyajitkodolikargslab opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
I encounter an error when running the application. It functions properly with version 2.60.0-next.1 of the Webex JavaScript SDK. However, when upgrading to version 3.0.0, the following error occurs:
**Failed to compile.

Error: /home/ivcs/Projects/webex-client-app-2.0/node_modules/@webex/media-helpers/dist/index.js: "version" is a required argument.
at run.next ()
at transform.next ()**

webex-js-sdk-3 0 0-version-error

Platform (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Version - 20.04.6
  • VS Code Version - 1.88.1

Hi @satyajitkodolikargslab , checking on this. Will reply back shortly. Thanks, Raffaele.

Hi @satyajitkodolikargslab , did you follow the migration guide here? It provides info on how to migrate from v1 or v2, to v3. I think the error may be occurring due to the media handling changes between versions.

Apologies, I was logged in with the wrong user. The above replies were from me. Awaiting your response.

Thanks, Raffaele.

@satyajitkodolikargslab Just checking in, do you have any additional queries or are we good to close this case? Thanks.