Magento Warehouse
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Can you provide some more details please?
Which version of Magento are you using?
Did you refresh the cache?
Do you use compilation? If so, did you refresh it?
• After I paste the package whenever i go to Catalog > Manage Warehouse, page is always blank. as you can see the above picture.
• done refreshing in cache and also index management.
• When i enable the compilation. Accessing Catalog > Manage Products it seems there`s a database or table error.
Magento version
When i enable the compilation
you have to compile or re-compile before enabling compilation; I suggest you to disable compilation at all for a moment and try to understand if the problem persists; same for cache: disable all caches and try to figure out if the problem persists; are you trying the extension on a Magento vanilla or on a customized installation?