
Web Based Reconnaisance Tool

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ReconTarget is web based reconnaisance tool that can help you to do reconnaisance and manage your target in your local machine. This tool is integrated with database so you dont need to store your target list in a file. This tool is also can be used by multiple user with different privilege (inspired by Nessus).


first of all, you need to create one database before installing this tool, you can do that by typing

sudo mysql -u <your mysql user> -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE <name for db you'd like to create>

ex : sudo mysql -u root -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE recon_target'

Then, you can install this web app by typing these following

$ git clone https://github.com/relarizky/ReconTarget.git
$ cd ReconTarget
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ chmod +x install.py
$ ./install.py


after installation, you can now access this web app in by typing this command

$ python3 run.py

and then, you can log in to web app with these 2 default users

  1. sayang:sayang123 (administrator)
  2. hekmen:hekmen123 (ordinary user)

you can change it or add new user for security reason


  • MySQL

  • Python3


  • Multiple user with different role

  • Manage user (add, edit, update, delete)

  • Auto Update

  • Reverse IP (bing, hackertarget, yougetsignal)

  • DNS Lookup

  • Whois (whois.com, hackertarget)

  • Link Scrapper (manual, hackertarget)

  • Wordpress User Finder


For other preview or guide with example picture, visit this following link
