
[Codemirror] How can I implement to change mode dynamically?

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I'd like to use codemirror-editor of this. And the Codemirror provides the functionality to change highlight mode, which use setOption() and autoLoadMode() function. I try to add code as below on codemirror.js.

	rtn = CodeMirror.findModeByName(modeName);
	this._editor.setOption("mode", rtn.mime); // 'text/css'
	CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(this._editor, rtn.mode);

But I encounter ReferenceError: CodeMirror is not defined. How can I realize to change mode dynamically?

You can use

  //do anything with editor

The code of codemirror is included dynamically, so you need to wait for the above promise to resolve, before executing any CodeMirror related logic.