
Events checkboxes are unchecked when loading more content

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When having checked one of the checkboxes on the events page, either refreshing the page or clicking the "Last inn mer" button unchecks this ckeckbox. In my opinion, this checkbox should still be checked after these actions. Also, the "Last inn mer" button should be hidden if there are no more events in the checked groups.


Also, the button should be hidden if there are no more events in the checked groups.

I sort of disagree on this, as I think it's good to show people it's a feature even though it filters out all events. We want the filtering here to work similarly to the filtering on /joblistings. But, we could make the checkboxes disabled (add some opacity or something) to indicate this (kind of like Finn.no does it).

So regarding the button to remove, I meant the "Last inn mer" button below the events, and that this could be removed when there are no more events in the group / that could be retrieved. Now, it seems to be visible because there are more events that are hidden when no checkboxes are checked, meaning it will be removed after pressing it twice (right now). I agree that the checkboxes should be visible even though no events are in the groups. I'm assuming this is what you are thinking of @ivarnakken?
Screenshot from 2023-02-10 15-20-11

Ah yes, definitely, I misunderstood! Sorry!