
Maybe a bug...

WangXu18 opened this issue · 6 comments

first, i opened a document and paint on it.
then,i used Ctrl+S and choosed the WebPShop type.
Well, when i click the 'Save' button opened the WebPShop dialog. i click the close button which located at WebPShop dialog's top-right.
the Photoshop.exe losed any response.

i mean,maybe you took over some messages from photoshop, but you forgot to release it?

Windows 10 64, Photoshop 20.0.0 x64

Thank you for the report.

I am able to partially reproduce the issue on Photoshop 22.5.1 and WebPShop 0.4.0 on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter x64:
I get a different behavior between the "Cancel" and "X" buttons. The latter produces a weird Photoshop window focus loss, where I am unable to click on anything until I get the Windows focus back to Photoshop by clicking on the taskbar. However Photoshop is still responsive after that, so it might not be the same issue as yours.

I released WebPShop 0.4.1. Could you check that it fixes your issue? The weird focus shift is gone on my side.


i tested this new version, and the previously described problem no longer recurs.