
Port webOS OSE to android devices (Nexus 5)

Opened this issue · 5 comments

  • Port webOS OSE to Nexus 5 using android BSP.
  • webOS running on Nexus 5.
  • webOS UI launcher and qt native / webbased app are executed.

We have got LuneOS working on Nexus 5 already based on CM 12.1 and using project Halium.

QT Native and webapps work, though our implementation is slightly different from LG's.

@Herrie82 Hi herrie82, I am Nate.
I have already ported webOS OSE to nexus5.
In order to apply the latest version of meta-smartphone layer, I will upload with modified version for webosce.

OK great :) Looking forward, like this we can make mutual targets and converge more and more :)

@flowergom When can we expect this? @nizovn is also looking at OSE for Tissot.

@Herrie82 @nizovn
I had a long trip for summer vacation!
I am going to start this work on this week.
The following repositories will be updated.