
after delete .cache-loader folder all images return 404

jimmyyao88 opened this issue · 6 comments

after delete .cache-loader folder all images return 404

@jimmyyao88 you should run webpack build again after delete .cache-loader, also i don't recommedate do it manually

i checkout to another new branch ,and then run my project in development mode,
that's my config:
the first time , everything works fine ,and then i terminated my node process, run second time , all images retrun 404
and then i delete this line 'cache-loader',restart , and then all works well

i just find the file-loader not compatible with cache-loader ,
then I use url-loader replace file-loader, the images can be generate well,

run , npm run dev ,the first time can generate image, but second time cant

here is my repo:

i just found, after build my project , the image won't be generated after run build second time.

sorry evilebottnawi , it seems my config problem, has been fixed. thx !

@jimmyyao88 what was the solution? 🤔

We have a similar problem (with fonts) over at nuxt/nuxt.js#4513