
In Vue project, only vue files can be verified, other files (html,css,sass,scss,less files) don't verify

JowayYoung opened this issue · 2 comments

In Vue project, only vue files can be verified, other files (html,css,sass,scss,less files) don't verify. In React Project, as right as rain.

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Node Version: 14.14.0
  • NPM Version: 6.14.8
  • webpack Version: 4.44.2
  • stylelint-webpack-plugin Version: 2.1.1

Expected Behavior

In Vue project, Stylelint can verify html/css/sass/scss/less/vue files.

Actual Behavior

In fact, only vue files can be verified, other files (html,css,sass,scss,less files) don't verify.


new StylelintPlugin({
    cache: true,
    cacheLocation: AbsPath("node_modules/.cache/stylelint-webpack-plugin/.stylelintcache"),
    configFile: AbsPath(`../temp/configs/stylelintrc.${frame}.js`, 1),
    configOverrides: {
        ignoreFiles: stylelintIgnores.map(v => AbsPath(v)),
        rules: stylelintRules
    context: process.cwd(),
    files: ["**/*.{html,css,sass,scss,less,vue}"]

Hi @JowayYoung
Sorry for delay response.
Could you check if the problem still persists in version v2.2.1 ?
If the problem persists could you provide a repository to reproduce?

Please reopen if the problem persists