
1d — SSL Between backend servers and Fastly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

SSL communication has to be done both between

  1. Fastly and visitor
  2. Fastly and backend (our servers)

At this moment, only the first case is fulfilled, that’s what we change for all services that are served by Fastly.

Web apps progress

  • docs.webplatform.org
  • Ensure www.webplatform.org suports both, but don’t force SSL
  • blog.webplatform.org
  • stats.webplatform.org

Estimated steps

  • Update documentation in https://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Infrastructure/architecture/SSL_certificates
  • Ensure any public facing subdomains, on both webplatform.org AND webplatformstaging.org has valid certificates from an accepted CA
  • Use StartSSL certificates for the obscure endpoints but yet user facing (e.g. oauth.accounts.webplatform.org MUST be from a known Certificate Authority, but most users won’t see in their browsers)
  • Make sure Fastly has them installed
  • Make sure Fastly connects to backends servers (our VMs) through IPADDR:443
  • Make sure all web servers (e.g. NGINX & Apache) has the certificates AND that each subdomain uses the right certificate

Removed off this task what’s about self-signed certificates we could use for non-user-facing communications (e.g. between Fastly and a web server).

If we work on our own self-signed, let’s deflect to #125

Let’s drop project.webplatform.org to be behind SSL for now. Postponed to #126