
web video display problem

jackyliu16 opened this issue · 0 comments

I am trying to use this tools in a simple speech which contains all the basical things that i will use, now it's tree is like

   a mermaid js from https://github.com/amra/reveal-md-scripts/tree/master/mermaidjs
    img file
    mp4 file

I'm not sure exactly how to insert a video into a ppt, thus i read the document for a few attempts under, all things couldn't match my need, Can I get some kind of guidance?

attempt 1:

problem: It doesn't even work (it doesn't click and it doesn't display anything)

<video auto-play controls width='1080'>
  <source src="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bG4y157s4" type="video/webm">
  Sorry, your browser seem not support embedded video


attempt 2:

It looks like a success, but there are two problems,

  • The video size is uncontrollable
  • Do not display control bar, can not interact, control playback and other functions
  • The only reason videos can be played is because of the addition of data-autoplay
<video width = '1080' src="./assets/test.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>


attempt 3:

This is obtained through the embedded link provided by the video site. But there seems to be no way to resize it


    <iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="//player.bilibili.com/player.html?aid=986479499&bvid=BV1n44y1f78K&cid=858423813&page=1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true">


attempt 4:

i read some issue in reveal js repo which show a way which we could using a kind of data-background-video to display a large video, and i trying to imitation the ways like here <!-- .slide: data-background="./image1.png" -->, but it seem no working, is it anything i miss up ?

<!-- .section: data-background-video="./assert/test.mp4">

shows nothings