very high UID prevents download in rootless podman
Closed this issue · 4 comments
When downloading the current latest tag, podman pull
fails with
Error: writing blob: adding layer with blob "sha256:aea670ed7311c721f74cb6c9984ac17a3f09f100c8ecb92bcc17ddbef7fb6444":
processing tar file(potentially insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace
(requested 1516583083:0 for /app/node_modules/content-type/
Since /etc/subuid
generally only sets aside a namespace of 65536 uids for each user, the very high UID (31 bits) falls way outside this range. It seems like a fluke and unnecessary problem to me.
As a workaround, I told podman to ignore chown errors - this only affects files in the image with UID > 65536 (in my case). Put the following in ~/.config/containers/storage.conf
driver = "overlay"
ignore_chown_errors = "1"
Not sure I understand. What does this have to do with this project reveal-md?
It affects the container published as
I haven't checked where the code for building the container actually is, I just assumed it was related to this project...
Here's how the containers are published:
Not sure how I can do something about the issue as described, so I'm going to close this issue.
ok, the problem probably came from the upstream image then? or perhaps the npm
in any case, the current latest
image no longer has the problem, so closing is correct :)