
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\MyUser\OneDrive\Desktop\plura\node_modules\.bin\next\dist\bin\next'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

### Steps i did

  • Cloned the repository locally
  • Setup the .env as required
  • downloaded bun for windows from the bun official site
  • Did a bun install
  • Then tried to bun run dev

However no matter what i try (Deleting the node_modules) and re-installing its the same issue. Also tried to install next globally but no lukc. I'm using node version v20.2.0.


Kinda suspecting its something from Bun and Windows.

try with bunx next dev
check if it works for you.
bun has nothing to do with nodejs. node.js is a separate runtime for javascript and bun is a separate runtime for javascript both's concept is same to compile javascript to run in server side but their workflow is not the same. Bun is way faster and simpler than Node.js

### Steps i did

  • Cloned the repository locally
  • Setup the .env as required
  • downloaded bun for windows from the bun official site
  • Did a bun install
  • Then tried to bun run dev

However no matter what i try (Deleting the node_modules) and re-installing its the same issue. Also tried to install next globally but no lukc. I'm using node version v20.2.0.


Kinda suspecting its something from Bun and Windows.

Bun is not compatible with Windows, you need to install WSL on Windows (Google it) and launch WSL.exe in your terminal before starting this project. This is why he suggested googling Bun in the beginning of the video if you didn't have installed yet.