
Run an OCM (Open Charge Map) Mirror using Docker

Primary LanguageMakefile

OCM Mirror


Docker Environment to host an OCM Mirror. See openchargemap/ocm-system#148 and https://github.com/openchargemap/ocm-system/tree/master/API/OCM.Net/OCM.API.Worker.

This also implements an additional haproxy container to add gzip compression and logging.


Make sure the docker subsysten is up and running. Then just do a docker-compose up:

docker-compose up -d

Initially, this will also build the docker image.

Re-Build the Docker Image, Build Args

To rebuild the docker image, do:

docker-compose build

To use a different repo url and branch for the "ocm-system" repository you can leverage the existing REPO_URL and REPO_BRANCH docker build args:

docker-compose build \
  --build-arg REPO_URL=https://github.com/ev-freaks/ocm-system.git \
  --build-arg REPO_BRANCH=testing

OR, e.g.:

docker-compose build \
  --build-arg DOTNET_TAG=5.0-alpine

To use the alpine flavour of the .net docker images (smaller footprint ~ 50%)

Then you should be able to perform OCM API Requests, e.g. using:

curl http://localhost:8080/api/v3/poi


  • Remus Lazar (remus at ev-freaks.com)