Lab 12 doesn't have the correct hint
AbdelaliLaaguidi opened this issue · 1 comments
i feel like the hint provided in "Lab 12: Command injection - Extracting User Accounts with Command Injection" isn't related to the lab i used sql injection and i found a list of users but none of them are in the list
[11:19:08] [INFO] fetching entries of column(s) 'username' for table 'accounts' in database 'mutillidae'
Database: mutillidae
Table: accounts
[23 entries]
| username |
| admin |
| adrian |
| john |
| jeremy |
| bryce |
| samurai |
| jim |
| bobby |
| simba |
| dreveil |
| scotty |
| cal |
| john |
| kevin |
| dave |
| patches |
| rocky |
| tim |
| ABaker |
| PPan |
| CHook |
| james |
| ed |
Which of these accounts exists on the Mutillidae Linux server?
Patched in build 2.8.77