
Add a short instruction how to deploy this solution to kubernetes

4c74356b41 opened this issue · 2 comments

You can use this as a starting point (works for me)

kubectl create deployment mutillidae-database --image="webpwnized/mutillidae:database"
kubectl create deployment mutillidae-ldap --image="webpwnized/mutillidae:ldap"
kubectl create deployment mutillidae-www --image="webpwnized/mutillidae:www"
kubectl create deployment mutillidae-databaseadmin --image="webpwnized/mutillidae:database_admin"
kubectl create deployment mutillidae-ldapadmin --image="webpwnized/mutillidae:ldap_admin"

kubectl expose deployment mutillidae-database --name=database --port=3306
kubectl expose deployment mutillidae-ldap --name=directory --port=389
kubectl expose deployment mutillidae-www --name=www --type=LoadBalancer --port=80
kubectl expose deployment mutillidae-databaseadmin --name=databaseadmin --type=LoadBalancer --port=80
kubectl expose deployment mutillidae-ldapadmin --name=ldapadmin --type=LoadBalancer --port=80

Hello. I created this video for the mutillidae-terraform project showing how to deploy to Kubernetes. However, you might add your contribution to the README on the mutillidae-terraform project. This project only encompasses the source code for the application itself, so the Kubernetes instruction will probably get lost here.

Since the project is open source, any contributions are submitted as a Pull Request. For this improvement, please add the new instructions to the README on the mutillidae-terraform project. If a user without prior knowledge is able to use the instructions successfully, the Pull Request will be accepted, and the new instructions will be merged with the project.