
No audio on receiver side after multiple calls to replaceTrack in RTCPeerConnection

lmy1991 opened this issue · 0 comments

  • I have provided steps to reproduce (e.g. a link to a jsfiddle)
  • I have provided browser name, version and adapter.js version
  • This issue only happens when adapter.js is used

Versions affected

Browser name including version
Chrome 117.0.5938.134

adapter.js (e.g. 6.1.0)


I am experiencing an issue with the RTCPeerConnection API where after multiple calls to replaceTrack, the receiver side stops receiving audio.

Steps to reproduce

Create a new RTCPeerConnection object.
Add a local audio track using addTrack.
Create an offer and set it as the local description.
Set the remote description with the answer.
Call replaceTrack multiple times on the sender side with different audio tracks.
The receiver side stops receiving audio after a few calls to replaceTrack.

Expected results

The receiver should continue to receive audio after multiple calls to replaceTrack.

Actual results

The receiver stops receiving audio after a few calls to replaceTrack.