#modJS forked from https://github.com/fex-team/mod
About modJS
Simple and lightly JavaScript Module loader.
- support define , as AMD
- support require, as AMD
- suport require.loadJS
- support require.loadCSS
define (id, factory)
write your code as commmonJS, and use a wrapper for browser.
define('moduleName',function(require,exports,module){ //your commonJS code ... })
factory has 3 arguments:require, exports, module
require (id)
var a = require('modA');
require.loadJS (names, onload, onerror)
require('lib/base.js',function(){ //success },function(){ //onerror });
When load file error or request timeout, onerror will be executed. Default timeout(5000ms) can be reseted by
require.timeout = 6000;
require.loadCss ({url: cssfile}) Load CSS file and insert into DOM.
require.loadCss ({content: csstext})
Load CSS context
auto define wrapper:fis-postprocessor-jswrapper