OAuth Support
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As of November 2010, the Constant Contact API supports OAuth for authentication (http://community.constantcontact.com/t5/Documentation/Authenticating-Requests-with-OAuth/ba-p/25073).
This library should offer OAuth support, not just Basic. Although, we should keep Basic support for legacy reasons.
I'm thinking the code for this (after an OAuth token has been created) would look like:
ConstantContact::Base.api_key = 'api-key'
ConstantContact::Base.oauth_token = 'oauth-token'
The library can figure out the rest of the necessary request params from there.
Update: Constant Contact dropped support for OAuth 1.0, but has now added support for OAuth 2.0! See: http://community.constantcontact.com/t5/Documentation/Authenticating-Requests-with-OAuth/ba-p/25073
I don't see anything in here about 1.0 vs. 2.0, am I missing something?
You're right. What I should have said is: They supported OAuth, then they removed support for OAuth because of a security issue. Now they support OAuth again. From their documentation, it looks like they support OAuth 1.0, not 2.0
I have a branch (wishery/constant_contact) that fully supports oauth using gem version 0.4.6. Please anyone else who's working on this, let's coordinate so that we don't end up duplicating effort. I'm planning to issue a pull request once I get it cleaned up a little more.
Has this gone anywhere? I am looking to integrate constant contact into a service using this library and would like to use OAuth. I have no desire to store user/password combos in my database.
Also, as of 10-03-2011, constant contact refers to using OAuth 2.0.
Should I be looking at the wishery/constant_contact fork?