
This example extension is a how-to guide to extending the Stream Platform core

Primary LanguagePHP

Stream Platform Extension

This example extension is a how-to guide to extending the Stream Platform core.

After successfully installing the extension, all newly created streams will get custom generated code for the stream models and their translations, find template here resources/assets/generator/model.twig & resources/assets/generator/translation.twig

This will make it easy to have a common super-class for your module generated streams. You can set the super-class from the config file resources/config/settings.php

Here's a list of all the extended core classes/interfaces:

  • Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Stream\StreamModel
  • Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Stream\Contract\StreamRepositoryInterface
  • Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Stream\StreamRepository
  • Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Entry\EntryModel
  • Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Assignment\AssignmentModel

Feel free to add your own functions to these classes etc, as your see fit,
