
Extend to allow standard websockets

manicphase opened this issue · 2 comments

What version of this package are you using?

What problem do you want to solve?
Make it easier to push files to a headless server from the browser.
Simultaneously send files to workers (ie, peertube-runners) before upload is finished.
Resumable uploads.

What do you think is the correct solution to this problem?
Webrtc still seems too flaky to be relied upon in webtorrent-hybrid. Extend Webtorrent to have WebsocketServer and WebsocketClient as new peer types. This way the server is guaranteed to be able to download from at least one peer in the swarm.

Are you willing to submit a pull request to implement this change?
Yes, but I'd need advice on where to make changes. (Should it be webtorrent/lib or bittorrent-protocol or somewhere else?)

while this is unironically a good suggestion, it's gonna be difficult to implement a new peer type, which would still be undocumented, same as the current webrtc peer for webtorrent, which after all these years isn't documented lol, but +1