
MinGW-W64-i686 compile 32bit dll file failure

zelsazgh opened this issue · 2 comments

I try to use Mingw-W64-i686 compile webui 32bit dll file encounter failure. mingw32-make display:

"Build WebUI library (gcc release static)..."
"Build WebUI library (gcc release dynamic)..."
D:/w64devkit/bin/ld.exe: webui.o:webui.c:(.text+0x32bd): undefined reference to `InitializeConditionVariable'
D:/w64devkit/bin/ld.exe: webui.o:webui.c:(.text+0x32ec): undefined reference to `SleepConditionVariableCS'
D:/w64devkit/bin/ld.exe: webui.o:webui.c:(.text+0x330d): undefined reference to `WakeConditionVariable'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [GNUmakefile:121: --release] Error 1

how to slove it?

This issue is related to a missing mutex lib. In Windows, mutexes and condition variables are typically part of the standard Windows API, which is available through Kernel32.lib and Synchronization.lib. Which OS version you are using?

I am using Win 11,My Compiler Lib path have kerenl32.lib and synchronization.lib.