
User preference aware titlebar colors on Windows

ttytm opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently the titlebar color is always set to light on windows:

Screenshot (8)

I agree that this should be implemented.


I'll submit a PR for this (SteffenL@6f741fb) right after #982 has been merged.

Awesome 💪 I think this is a feature that goes a long way when it comes to user satisfaction.

What's your opinion on also adding the ability to hide the title bar? This is a setting that seems to be asked for frequently. Just in the last two weeks I have encountered several requests to make it available. E.g. after the release of the V-binding for webview, users started asking for it ttytm/webview#10. Also, I help maintain webui in my spare time and it was also requested. For webui, the integration would be different since we use a browser, but just in terms of the feature to hide the title bar the request remains the same.

On linux things like this are handled by the compositor but for other platfroms this needs to be set on an application level.
This might be the way on windows: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/develop/title-bar?tabs=wasdk#full-customization. I didn't looked into macOS yet.

What's your opinion on also adding the ability to hide the title bar?

My opinion is that the library should support it.