
Specification for backends for how to interact with the Web Write GUIs

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Specification for backends for how to interact with the Web Write GUIs


All responses are returned in JSON and in the format of:

var response = {	
	// Success: Boolean
	// Did the request complete successfully?
	success: true,

	// Message: String
	// The success or error message of what we did
	message: "Result returned successfully",

	// Data: Whatever
	data: null

Route: http://site.com/restapi/

  • Query String Fields:
    • extension: String - searches within the extension
      • e.g. "md"
    • mime: String - searches within the MIME content type
      • e.g. "image"
    • limit: Number - amount of items to return within the page
      • e.g. 10
      • default 10
    • offset: Number - the offset of items to start the paging from
      • e.g. 15
    • page: Number - the page of data to return
      • e.g. 2
      • default 1
    • filter: JSON - a NoSQL filter to apply
      • e.g. {"relativePath": $startsWith: "a"}
    • additionFields: Array - extra fields to return
      • e.g. ["relativeOutDirPath', "contentRendered"]
var responseData = {
	// Website Name
	name: "My Website",

	// Website URL
	url: "My Website URL"

	// Any custom file collections
	customFileCollections: [
			id: "posts",
			relativePaths: ["post/2012-12-25 - Happy Christmas.html.md"]

	// Files
	// All files inside the website database
	files: [
			meta: {
				title: "My Blog Post"
			date: "2013-10-30T05:04:18.483Z",
			relativePath: "/post/2012-12-25 - Happy Christmas.html.md",
			filename: "2012-12-25 - Happy Christmas.html.md",
			url: "/post/2012-12-25 - Happy Christmas.html",
			contentType: "@todo",
			encoding: "utf8", // or binary
			source: "@todo",
			contentRendered: "@todo"

Route: http://site.com/restapi/template-data

  • Methods:
    • GET fetch the template data that will be attached (JSON'able values only - no circular objects or functions)

Route: http://site.com/restapi/collection/<collectionId>

  • Methods:
    • GET fetch the collections that we have and their details

Route: http://site.com/restapi/file/<fileRelativePath>

  • Methods:
    • GET fetch the files at that relative path or collection
    • PUT create a new file at that relative path or collection
    • POST update the file at that relative path or collection
    • DELETE delete the files at that relative path or collection