
idea: set favicon to webxdc's icon

Simon-Laux opened this issue · 1 comments

might need some conversion from png/jpg to ico, to use the fact that browsers look for favicon.ico
If that would work we don't need to inject any header html tags, which might be more complicated, but on the other hand then we could probably save the format conversion step?

Is this about the favicon of the instance tabs in particular? I think it should be possible to implement something that injects a favicon.ico based on the icon.png/icon.jpg file in the webxdc application directory.

Need a bit of research to see whether there's some kind of easy conversion library we can plug into.

We could convert the resource in memory on demand, which would perhaps be simplest at the cost of reconverting each time a tab is opened I think. Though it'd be easy enough to set a cache header to avoid that. Though perhaps that doesn't work on localhost. Alternatively we can put the conversion output in a special directory in tmp and layer it in using express static.