
Great to have PHP Wechaty onboard to our Multi-language Wechaty Community!

huan opened this issue · 4 comments

alpha version, start bot like

$wechaty = \IO\Github\Wechaty\Wechaty::getInstance($token, $endPoint);
$wechaty->onScan(function($qrcode, $status, $data) {
    $qr = \IO\Github\Wechaty\Util\QrcodeUtils::getQr($qrcode);
    echo "$qr\n\nOnline Image: https://wechaty.github.io/qrcode/$qrcode\n";
})->onLogin(function(\IO\Github\Wechaty\User\ContactSelf $user) {
})->onMessage(function(\IO\Github\Wechaty\User\Message $message) {
    $message->say("hello from PHP7.4");
huan commented

Awesome, great to see our PHP Wechaty for building a chatbot in 6 lines of PHP!

It would be great if we could have a getting start repository like https://github.com/wechaty/python-wechaty-getting-started so that our PHP developers can be easy to get started!

huan commented

Awesome! Would love to play with it later, thank you very much for the efforts for making the pho getting start to be easy!