Wechaty Puppet Provider for providing/consuming the Wechaty Puppet Service
Pinned issues
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Feature Wanted: Real Message Forward
#135 opened by su-chang - 2
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Add authorization for puppet server to make sure the puppet service consumer is valid
#124 opened by huan - 2
#141 opened by su-chang - 2
#142 opened by su-chang - 0
#139 opened by su-chang - 0
#138 opened by ZakaryCode - 1
Use Pure JS gRPC
#129 opened by huan - 5
After upgrade to wechaty-puppet-service, donut bot cant`t work any more ,but with no error.
#126 opened by secreter - 4
Io disconnected and can not recover from it
#125 opened by windmemory - 0
[Donut] Error: 2 UNKNOWN: can not load message payload or url of the payload.
#108 opened by ZhiweiHwang - 2
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ERR PuppetHostie start() rejection: event stream exists
#122 opened by huan - 4
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How does PadLocal operate as hostie service
#119 opened by Jesn - 5
WARN Room findAll() room.ready() rejection: Error: 13 INTERNAL: TIMEOUT, sync room member timeout, room id: 18807422174@chatroom
#113 opened by ppBigGod - 2
【 donut】padplus切换协议后room.findAll,出现的问题
#111 opened by ppBigGod - 19
Support rock puppet service provider.
#98 opened by jcai - 4
#99 opened by nzjcnjzx - 8
ERR PuppetHostie start() rejection: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses
#114 opened by suntong - 1
File has one additional space before the name: FileBox#Stream< f7661ff931cae0b76cef8f8e23d2b42c.jpg>)
#105 opened by huan - 0
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When my robot deleted the friend, the friend did not delete the case to add again with an error
#107 opened by channg - 0
[Donut] Error: 2 UNKNOWN: can not load this file
#104 opened by huan - 4
#94 opened by tfssweb - 4
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Revert #91 after after Dec 31, 2022
#97 opened by huan - 1
wechaty-puppet-hostie say()报错
#96 opened by qiaojianfeng - 3
UnhandledRejection when calling Streamed call
#93 opened by windmemory - 0
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Weird grpc error: address already in use
#77 opened by windmemory - 0
Wrong filebox import
#87 opened by windmemory - 1
GRPC 传输大文件的时候会block掉其他的调用
#80 opened by lijiarui - 2
Unexpected ready event emitted after logout
#81 opened by windmemory - 4
[Bug] Duplicate listener bind to puppet
#52 opened by windmemory - 2
[Bug] 崩溃以后黑屏不重启,GRPC Hostie bug
#74 opened by windmemory - 4
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Wechaty start() exception: discoverHostieIp() timeout to get any ip info from all hostie endpoints.
#75 opened by lijiarui - 2
Add Persistent RawPayloadCache for Hostie
#64 opened by huan - 2
[RFC] Support C/S connection with ip and port
#72 opened by windmemory - 4
hostie client stuck
#70 opened by windmemory - 2
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Cache ready status in hostie server
#55 opened by windmemory - 0
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Error: 2 UNKNOWN: Stream removed
#54 opened by archywillhe - 6