Clone the repository:
$ git clone && cd packer-templates
Build a machine image from the template in the repository:
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso ubuntu-16.10-amd64.json
Add the built box to Vagrant:
$ vagrant box add packer-ubuntu-16.10-amd64
Clone the repository:
cd ..
$ git clone && cd vagrant-ubuntu-java-env
Build the box
$ vagrant up --provision
#Vagrant Provisioning Development Environment
The objective of this simple project is allow the creation of a java development environment containing basics features. Using Vagrant Provisioning over ssh script to make the installations and customizations.
##Will be installed:
- Java 8
- Maven 3.3
- MS Visual Studio Code
- Tomcat
- Git
- Eclipse
The installations are customizable. To prevent any installation just comment the script-call row. Example:
# Install MySql
#config.vm.provision "shell", path: ".vagrant-provision/"
##For usage:
- Input the email to be used to generate the key in variable:
GIT_USER = <input-your-git-email>
VM_IP = ""
GIT_USER = "git user"
DIR_HOME = "home directory of user vagrnat"
HOST = "linux"
##Virtual machine details
- Ubuntu64
- Provider: Virtual Box