
Correction for German website version

zilti opened this issue · 7 comments

zilti commented

The plural of "Skript" is "Skripte", NOT "Skripten". It's eyecancer-inducing.


I'll check that with @weechatter (he's doing German translations) and if needed fix that on weechat.org and WeeChat itself.

Duden says: das Skript; Genitiv: des Skript[e]s, Plural: die Skripte[n] und Skripts

zilti commented

...and also states it is (luckily) hardly ever used. Because it's painful to read.

zilti commented

Really though, "Skripten" is just painfully wrong in most casus.

I still believe in Duden.

zilti commented

As I said, it's a matter of casus. The overview page of the Duden doesn't mention this, because that's not what it is for. See also https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skriptsprache.